Sunday 20 May 2012

Answering Physics Paper Strategy

Tips Fizik SPM

   1.STRATEGY TO ANSWER PAPER 1 – Objective questions (1 hour 15 minutes)
   2. 50 objective questions. Answer all.The time is 1¼ hours. The average time for one question is 1½ minutes
·          3. .Objective questions may have 3 or 4 options: A, B and C A, B, C, and D Most of the questions come with 4 options. 
·         4. To tackle difficult questions is to eliminate incorrect options one by one until you are left with the best possible option.Many of the questions are related to experiments carried out in the laboratory. Such as, MV, RV & FV.Involve all the topics in the physics syllabus.Know the usual meaning of symbol used in formulae in SPM Physics.
·         5. Read each questions diligently to make sure that you understand the requirement of that question. If information such as diagrams, graphs, or data is provided, make use of them because they are provided with a purpose. Know how to interpret the various types of graphs as well as make conclusions from graphs or data provided.
·         6. SPM PAPER 1Do not take >1½ minutes to answer each question. Unable to answer a particular question, leave it first. Spending too much time on one difficult question may result in not having enough time to answer other simpler questions. Come back later to that question after you have answered all the other questions.
·         7. STRATEGY TO ANSWER PAPER 2- Subjective questions ( 2 hours 30 minutes)
·         8. Section AConsists of 8 structure questions. answer all. The total marks in Section A is 60 marks. The marks allocated to each question vary 4 to 12 marks. You are advised to spend 90 minutes on this section. 
·         9. The structured questions in Section A are usually based on diagrams, tables, graphs, or data related to a certain situation or phenomenon. Before attempting to answer a question at least twice and highlight the key words provided so that you will not go out of point. Note the marks allocated to each section of a question. A section that is allocated only 1 mark will require a short answer. A section that is allocated 3 marks will require you to state 3 properties or characteristics associated with that particular section. 
·         10. While answering questions that involve calculations, make sure that you write down all the steps, including the formula used.
·         11. Section A (Structure)Be able to interpret diagrams, photographs, tables and graphs to relate to physics concepts and principles.Give short and concise answer.Underline keywords such as WHAT, HOW etc.Underline the important information given in a questionMethods to solve calculation problems- State the related formula- Substitute the value for each formula- Answer with the correct unitPay attention to the marks allocated. The mark usually indicates the number of points required.
·         13. Section BSection B consists of two questions. You need to answer only one question from this section. The marks allocated for this section is 20 marks.You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section. The questions from Section B are normally preceded by a diagram that shows a certain state or situation that is related to a specific Physics concept. 
·         14. You are normally asked to state the characteristics shown in the diagram and also to state the Physics principle involved.Study the marks allocated to each section or sub-section in the question. The marks allocated in each section may be as high as 10 marks. So you should have at least 10 points or properties. Equations, diagrams, tables, graphs or other suitable methods may be used to explain your answer. However your answers should be clear and logical.
·         15. Section CSection C consists of two questions but you must answer one question only from this section. The marks for this section are 20 marks. You are advised to spend 30 minutes on this section. Questions in this section normally require the interpretation of the data provided. The questions from Section C are normally preceded by a table that is related to a specific Physics concept. You may be required to plot a graph based on the data given. Make sure that you know the proper steps to plot a graph. 
·         16. Study the marks allocated to each section or sub-section in the question. The marks allocated in each section may be as high as 10 marks. You should have at least 10 points or properties. The questions in this section normally require you to state a certain principle or to explain certain properties or characteristics.Note that questions in Section B and C only involve the explanation of theories and do not contain questions that require you to do describe an experiment.
·         17. STRATEGY TO ANSWER PAPER 3- Subjective questions ( 1 hours 30 minutes)
·         18. Section A.Consists of 2 structured questions. Answer both.The total marks is 28 marks. Spend 60 minutes on this section.The questions in this section are based on experiments that you should have already done in the laboratory.The questions in this section normally require you to collect and tabulate the data in a table and to plot a graph.
·         19. Required to state the MV, RV and FV based on the aim and the procedure of the experiment. The questions from this section also involve the interpretation of graphs. Determine the quantity represented by the slope of the graph provided. You will also need to know how to determine the slope of the graph.The questions may also involve the calculation of certain quantities. Make sure that you write down all the steps involved.
·         20. Section BSection B consists of two questions. Answer one only.The total marks for this section is 12 marks. Advised to spend 30 minutes on this section.The questions in this section are normally preceded by a diagram depicting a situation in our daily lives together with a brief write-up on the situation shown.
·         21. State onesuitable inference that can made from the situation.State onesuitable hypothesis that can made from the situation.Based on situation and the apparatus given, design an experiment. Remember you are not doing an experiment.State aim of experiment, variables, material & apparatus used.Provide a fully labeled diagram of the apparatus used. Write out your procedure in passive form and use short sentences.Tabulate & analyse data.
·         22. TIPS FOR SPM Paper 3SPM PAPER 3
·         23. Section A (Structure Question)Question No. 1:Give the answer in a appropriate sensitivity such:Using Meter Rule as the instrument:the length of spring = 10.0 cm (inappropriate answer: 10 cm; the accuracy of the meter rule is 0.1 cm)Using Vernier Caliper as the instrument:The length of the wooden block = 3.00 cm (inappropriate answer: 3.0 cm; the accuracy of the meter rule is 0.01 cm)Using Micrometer Screw Gauge (MSG) as the instrument:The thickness of a steel plate = 4.30 mm (inappropriate answer: 4.3 mm; the accuracy of the meter rule is 0.01 mm)
·         24. Variables (3 marks) Manipulated variable and responding VariableStudents can copy directly from the question (from the sentence of aim of theexperiment)Fixed variable must be in measured quantity.Example:The diameter of spring (the measured quantity regarding to the spring shouldbe stated clearly)Note:Avoid to give more than 1 answer for this question. Any wrong answer will cancel the correct.
·         25. Tabulation of Data (5 @ 6 marks)The answer should contains:Exact coulumnsExact rowsWrite all the quantities that has unitsDecimal points for each coulumn must be consistentAccurate measurementDraw A GraphA graph should have:correct axis with unitsuniform scalespoints that were correctly plotthe best straight line
·         26. Relationship between responding and manipulated variableDirectly proportional - if a graph shows a straight line begin from (0,0)Increases linearly - if a graph shows a straight line but intercept at Y-axis other than 0.Decreases linearly - if a graph shows a straight with a negative value of gradient of the graph
·         28. SPM PAPER 3SPM TIPS:Student can give more then one answer for this question. No penalty for the answer which is unsuitable.Example of unacceptable answer: Avoid parallax error - No mark given for precautionary steps without explanation.

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